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How to "Win" in Farm Games: Part 2

Rate this Article ... and this is coming from someone who has years of experience hustling it out on Farmville and Farmville 2, and is currently playing both Taonga and Funky Bay on the side. Farm Games Free - How to "Win" in Farm Games: Part 2

If you haven’t already, do check out the first part of this 2-part article, How to Win in Farm Games: Part 1. If you had, then let us proceed with point number 3 - trading!

Profiting from Trading

If the farm game you play in has a trading option, you definitely should use it to maximize your profits. After all, the more money you can bring into your farm, the faster your farm can grow... and in turn, the more successful you will be as a virtual farmer.

So, how can you make sure you can “win” at trading? That’s pretty easy – all you need to do is to spend a little bit of your time and find out what the demand is. Trading is ultimately all about supply and demand. By knowing the demand of the market, you can then work on fulfilling the supply part of the equation.

Of course, if you would like to go one step further, you could also try to work out which demand is worth fulfilling and which is not. Sometimes, the maximum amount of cash you can get for an item you’ve crafted is just isn’t worth the time and effort you’ve put in.

Not to mention, if the trading feature in the game is dependent on the number of neighbors you have, then the previous section of this guide becomes even more important.

Fully Utilizing Your Premium Currency

The thing about free-to-play farm games is that they tend to get you to wait long hours before you can harvest your crops or to pluck fruits from the trees you’ve planted. Sometimes, there are also literal “paywalls” which may greatly tempt you to just spend whatever free Premium currency you may have on temporary convenience items which will make all of these frustrations go away... well, I’m here to tell you to NOT give in to your temptations!

Free Premium currency is usually quite difficult to come by in any freemium game, and it’s not wise to waste it all away just because you cannot wait. Instead, perhaps the few things you should do after you’ve played the game for some time is to check out their in-game shop and find out which crucial items in the store that are incredibly hard to come by and save your premium money for those very items. These may include automation options, incredibly rare building/upgrade materials, more crafting slots, more workers, or permanent convenience machines that can help you harvest large swathes of crops at a time.

If there aren’t any items of that sort in the in-game shop, then – and only then – you can consider buying some temporary convenience items, such as Speed-ups, or building/upgrade materials which can you earn from simply playing the game. If you followed Tip Number 2 in How to Win in Farm Games: Part 1, then you should also know to not spend your premium cash on anything that you can get from your neighbors. Spending premium cash on anything that’s purely aesthetic in nature is a waste of this valuable currency as well and that is no way for you to “win” in the farm game you play.

Lastly, if you are considering to buy premium currency using real money, be sure to buy them during sales and promotion periods when they will usually give you not only bonus premium cash, but also a nice discount.

Fields of sunflowers in Farmville 2

Special Events

Now, I’ve been playing farm games for long enough to know that most events in these games don’t usually offer you instant gratification. Instead, you are either required to complete chain quests in order to finally get that special something that you want, or needed to collect enough “special tokens” from completing daily tasks or doing your daily chores on your virtual farm just so you can buy some special limited edition stuff for your farm, which isn’t at all something that’s wrong to do.

But honestly, if you’re to “win” in farm games, most of these events don’t do much except to distract you from the real main issue of making sure you are earning huge sums of game cash from managing your farm by deviating your attention to the special tasks these events will want you to do.

However, in the rare instances that these events do offer something of value that can contribute to the further success of your farm, then before participating in an event, you will need to make sure you can commit to it completely... at least until you can get that one thing you want. There is no point of doing it halfway and leaving with just a consolation prize – a lousy prize that you never wanted in the first place.

So, if you want to be in an event, you make sure that you are in it for the long haul and that you are willing to do whatever the game needs you to do so you can get the exact prize you want. If not, then there is no point wasting your time with an event and you can go back to focusing on making your farm the success story that you know it can be!

Freebies and Giveaways

Last but not least, it’s not shameful in the least to want to grab some hand-outs from time to time. This is especially true for farm games, like Taonga and Funky Bay, where energy is the main restriction that’s holding you back from working on your farm as much as you’d like.

Thus, it’s important to be mindful of the posts the game puts up on its Facebook fan page or of any giveaway events, and grab as many of these freebies as you can. The easiest way to be alerted of new posts is by following the game page in addition to liking it.

You can then make some changes to the settings so that you can see posts from your game first on your news feed and to allow notifications so you can be among the very first to know whenever there are any giveaways.

These are all the tips I have for you and hopefully, these are enough to help you “win” in any farm game you are currently playing on Facebook or on your mobile devices. Know that farm games aren't usually intended to be played at long stretches of time. Instead, once everything's set up, you simply need to check in a few times in a day to harvest your crops, collect crafted items or to make use of a machine/worker after the cooldown. So, now that you know, go and make a success out of your virtual farm!

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