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The Next Step in Farming Game Innovation

Rate this Article Farm games have ultimately created the hype of browser based games since the FarmVille Days. And though they have been at a constant pace of growth and innovations over the recent years and several titles, they have yet to halt towards creating innovations to the game even further.

In this article, we’ll ponder out some most wanted innovations yet to shed light in these wonderfully addictive simulation games.
Farm Games Free - The Next Step in Farming Game Innovation

Farm games have ultimately created the hype of browser based games since the Farmville Days. And though they have been at a constant pace of growth and innovations over the recent years and several titles, they have yet to halt towards creating innovations to the game even further. Not now that it have become one of the most addictive genres ever. In this article, we’ll ponder out some most wanted innovations yet to shed light in these simulation games.

As we have commented on a previous article, a feature that is commonly missed in the real life counterpart of farming, is the weather system. At present, farming simulators have their seasons with them, limiting only the cycle of crops to produce in every pertaining season in the game. In-depth application of a weather system is yet to be found in any of these games, which will put an in-depth complexity onto the management and input - that the player will have to commence while playing.

This added feature will not only share a fresh experience to the lot of seasoned veterans of the genre, but will ultimately impart a whole new level of challenge to the players as well in general. Players would then have to adapt accordingly depending on the situation given at hand, and will ultimately present a different challenge to each and every one (random rain patterns for example). Rainy days in a game could potentially eliminate additional watering tasks for example, and could also potentially double-up the process when a heat wave blasts the streak of days in the farm.

To add more dynamics in the game, innovations like having groups of people cultivate a portion of a world map for example could potentially create some form of “Guilds” (as you may) to work on a designated area – in competition with other groups of people, to raise a better yield (in numbers or value), to heighten the social factor of the game. Other than that, hand-on-hand farming could also be implemented, to introduce a rather fresh social feature in the game, instead of the usual “Visit” other farm features of today’s roster of farming simulators.

A Job Specialization system can also be implemented, like that of RPGs having their own classes in the game. A Tractor Specialist in the game for example will take over plowing the plot of lands, Alongside Planting Specialists – that effectively uses the overall size of the land with crops to plant. Additionally, other job specialization can be introduced like those that highlight yielding of produces, those that process them further, and those that sell them. In a single guild in the game, a harmonious relation between these specialists can then bring in the balance to produce great yields of products to win a game set tourney for all actively participating players.

Other than that, statistics management and build up could potentially invite a greater depth to farm games as well. Not to mention, the real life counterpart of the simulation game heavily relies onto statistics to produce better yields. As people get to level up on the game for example, instead of just unlocking specific items in the game, a skill tree of some sort, or a statistics table that can be upgraded shall put more flavor in the game – which can ultimately influence your performance in the game. A better speed for example will generally contribute on trimming down the time it will take to plant of harvest a plot of land in the game.

Overall, these ideas are just but a few to get us a well rounded game that is interesting and is properly maximizing today’s technology. Instead of having a re-skinned version of farm games, it is probably better to invest in innovating them to fetch in a tad more of interested players to play the game.

This does not imply though that today’s list aren’t great and fun to play right now, but trying out a few bold ideas should not hurt if it will provide a lot of eager patrons in return.

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