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होम गेम्स Idle Farming Empire
Idle Farming Empire preview image
सरल खेल 2 डी फार्मIdle Android
मुल्यांकन: 8,2 मुल्यांकन 5 मत
खेल लिया 16
खेल लिया
अभी खेलो!
समीक्षा जोड़ें
Setup a massive farming empire in this epic idling game that doesn’t disappoint.

Unlock new plots to plant crops that’ll earn you large amounts of money.

Purchase upgrades to bolster your earnings by massive amounts. Idle Farming Empire समीक्षा

संबधित ब्लाग प्रविष्ठिया

Jumat, Desember 29, 2017

नया गेम जोडा गया है: Idle Farming Empire

Idle Farming Empire gameplay Idle Farming Empire using the sunshine bonus Idle Farming Empire buying bonuses Setup a massive farming empire in this epic idling game that doesn’t disappoint.

Unlock new plots to plant crops that’ll earn you large amounts of money.

Purchase upgrades to bolster your earnings by massive amounts.
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