Happy Acres
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Try Happy Acres and enjoy a fabulous and very cute farm management game. Grow crops and feed animals as you build your farm up.
Build up a huge farm from a small farmhouse.
Grow crops and feed your animals.
Sell your good for profit. Happy Acres Обзор
Build up a huge farm from a small farmhouse.
Grow crops and feed your animals.
Sell your good for profit. Happy Acres Обзор
Похожие Записи
вторник, июня 23, 2015Full Patches in Happy Acres

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5 Facebook Farm Games

Cute Animals can be Yours in Happy Acres

Money to Collect in Happy Acres

Huge Farm in Happy Acres

Enjoy the Brilliant Happy Acres

Feed Your Cute Animals in Happy Acres

Enjoy a Cute Farm in Happy Acres

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